Good Morning, I have been a fan of Florian pruners since my first flower show many years ago in Providence RI—so thrilled you’ve re-started the Florian pruner!!!
   I recently saw them on Amazon and ordered a new pair—received them in record time!  Somewhere, sometime I’ll eventually find my original second pair misplaced in our garage or shed!!  I’ve always preferred to have two pair, just in case!
   My husband saw my new pruners, pulled up your website and said, “hey look, they have ugly ducking pruners—I want my own and I don’t care what they look like as long as they work!”        You see my were the forbidden land to him—“your not breaking MY pruners!”
   His pruners arrived this morning, he’s thrilled and darn I don’t see why they were ugly duckling designated!  Now he wants to buy Ugly Duckling for everyone on our Christmas list!
   Thrilled you’re manufacturing them, good luck with the venture!  When you have such dedicated workers (family) of course you’ll succeed!!! We’ll spread the word to fellow gardeners the two sources we used to order ours!!!
   Thank you again and thrilled to have awesome new pruners—in record time!  Best of luck with growing the business!!
a Florian pruner enthusiast ,
Bette-Jo ( and now Bill) Bjerke

Please confirm the life time guarantee is still being honored.
Love my Florian
Jan Dunn

I can’t tell you how happy I was to see that you have revived the Florian company!
I have 3 pairs of the ratchet nippers from the late 70’s, and I loved them! They aren’t in the best shape any more, because they have had a hard long life. I still use them, but would love to replace them. Nothing has been as good, and I just thought I’d try to see if they existed anymore. I knew they had gone out of business for a while. So, when I typed in Florian and you came up I was shocked! Could I really trade in my old ones for new pairs?!
I originally bought them at the Cincinnati Flower Show, and I took them to the show every year to be sharpened and checked over. I would be delighted to have some new ones once again! Best Garden Tool Ever!!!!
Thank you very much!
Angela Schonberger

OMG!!! I cannot tell you the JOY I feel to have found that you are making and selling my beloved Florian ratchet pruners!!! I got a pair for me and my best friend who has bemoaned the closing of the Florian store all those years ago!!! 


I just want to say bless you bless you for carrying on this great work!!! 


Here are my OG clippers well loved and well used!


Can’t wait for my new ones! And one for my friend, too! 




I have my ‘original’ (actually the replacement traded in once for an issue). Every year I would bring it to the shop in Southington, CT and get it sharpened and checked. Then the shop closed. I was distraught. Since then I have done my best to keep it going strong and my son (now deceased) learned how to sharpen the blade.  This year I had to find someone to sharpen it and went to our local hardware store and used their service. Bad mistake. It may have been sharpened, really not even sure of that, but the blade no longer meets the groved flat side.  I was/am beside myself.

I have been looking since the shop closed (years) for another seller. Never could find one. Then just last night I saw a pruner for sale. I jumped on it and picked it up this morning. I was surprised when the seller told me that there was someone in her town that was part of Florian and could sharpen. I was given the contact number which I immediately called. Well seems the seller was wrong. However I was given your website address. So here I am.  I have 2 hand pruners/ one is light yellow (mine of many years) and the other (picked up today) more of a golden yellow.  The one I purchased today I should’ve taken out of the holder and taken a close look.  The  blade is totally chewed up as is the other side where it hits. Can this unit still be surrendered for a $25 replacement?

Mine needs a new blade. If it is a relatively easy task, then I just need a new blade and I will, hopefully, fix myself. Yes, I am a Senior and Yes I LOVE my Florian (pale yellow) hand pruner. Please advise on what my next steps should be along with the cost.

I am thrilled to have found your site and shop! 



Maryellen Baranowsky

Hello Brandon Wilson and Co.,

My Florian ratchet pruner arrived today and I am one happy lady!  I cannot thank you enough for finding a way to resurrect this marvelous tool ! 

Scouring the internet as spring is en route to New England, I was looking once again for yet another ratchet pruner to try.  I was elated when I came upon your Florian, just hoping it would not be a knock off.  Boy Oh Boy, the Real Florian is Back!  Just like your guarantee Florian signature Lifetime warranty, I guarantee my pledge as your new lifetime costumer (just sorry I’m 76 now)!

I will be ordering  more for gifts!
Thank You, Thank You, again and again!
Diane Cook